An ingeniously shape-shifting debut from director Eduardo Williams, which follows the lives of mostly young men in disparate parts of the world who are bored by (or released from) their jobs and seeking fulfillment elsewhere.

Structured in three parts (with inventive relays between each section), The Human Surge thrusts us, with little to no introduction or context, into the lives of mostly young men in disparate parts of the world who are bored by (or released from) their jobs and seeking fulfillment elsewhere. Underlining both the commonality and diversity of these characters' experiences, Williams hints at profound political and philosophical enquiries while remaining in a fluid mode of observation, mutual relation and open adventure. The intimate spaces of everyday life open onto some of the greatest paradoxes of contemporary existence, wherein increased connectivity has engendered ever-greater isolation and (nominally) expanded autonomy has sapped work of much of the meaning it once held.
Winding and wondrous, magical and mysterious, Williams' stunning debut tracks a constantly evolving world, one with different looks and textures but similar concerns and ways of existence. Possessed of a quiet radicality and an invigorating cinematic freedom, The Human Surge announces the arrival of a bold new talent.
Scotiabank 5
Jackman Hall
Jackman Hall